How we do it.
“The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.”
-- Stephen Covey
Our projects often begin by learning from internal and external stakeholders, through on-line surveys and interviews.
The right questions are not always easy to ask, and the right answers are not always easy to hear. Sometimes the answers confirm impressions, and sometimes they surprise. Either way, the best answers come from the best questions.
We challenge the status quo. We push the envelope of conventional wisdom. We think things through -- beyond “the usual” ways of thinking -- and we encourage clients to think in new ways too.
When clients are interested in learning more about themselves and their colleagues, and how to work more collaboratively and productively as a team, we recommend such tools as DISC. These tools might be utilized, for example, in conjunction with leadership training and coaching for managers, supervisors or board members.
When clients require specific expertise, and ask us to coordinate a larger project, Rivertide Consulting will partner with other experts to include services such as graphic design, web site development, fundraising, or workshops in creativity and innovation. We remain the single point of contact.
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To learn more about us, and how Rivertide Consulting's approach can
help your organization, contact us for a free initial consultation.